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What is Agnes Buzyn really guilty of ?

This pandemic period of Coronavirus is obviously a historic moment conducive to the invocation of the threat of the “scapegoat”.
The Coronavirus also makes it possible to seize the ideological springs and to understand to which point the periods of pandemics and geopolitical tensions are favorable with the emergence of the topic scapegoat, whose existence is focused more than the real danger himself.
With the Coronavirus, this desire for rumor becomes stronger, that social networks are now more openly politicized.
There are many examples of companies seized by the search for a “scapegoat”.
The presence of Coronavirus is also a kind of “ideological glue” allowing to unite
social groups as extreme politicians, with hidden interests and objectives
Fear of the spreading virus with invisibility in the heart even of society, in the state apparatus, in the city or in everyone’s building.
Each time, this scapegoat is linked to an outside world. The scapegoat has in any case always a link with a foreign power or entity, making it a reputation for digital power far beyond what it truly represents.
Denounced as part of a lobby, this scapegoat embodies the culprit.
The extremists take the opportunity to bring the front line to the corner of the
street where every citizen lives, this is what allows extremists to operate in
international contexts tense by a moralizing, xenophobic and anti-Semitic crusade.
The accusers of the scapegoat are building a formidable mass control device,
to break the rules of the rule of law so that foolishness and lies are theirs
supreme backfires by violent anti-Semitic campaigns.
They are used to delegitimize a political adversary by attaching to it the appropriate label of “scapegoat”.
How can a little lawyer who has never won a single trial call himself “Master”

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