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We don’t see ourselves looking.

Categories are too often taken for granted.
They eventually become part of the observation, of what we are taught to pay attention to.
Sometimes the expectation precedes the social action, and starts translating it into a prepared mode before it happens.
How do we catch ourselves in the act of biased observation based on conclusions which we take for granted?
The answer lies on the thirst for freedom.
Only when responsibility is taken to free our minds from the shackles of repetitive limited biases can we achieve the gift of self observation.
And this is not done in meditative solitude but in active interaction, an exchange between dialogue that develops both expression and listening.
We do not know our selves fully until we activate our capacity to relate to others.
There is no self without an other.
This is how remembering and loving are one same concept.
The absence of love in people’s words or actions is an absence of memory.
The one forgetting is going back to old categories and biases without self awareness.
As the heart turns cold, it does not do the effort of freeing itself from the shackles of mental habits. The person itself, the observer, is also turning to a cliche, accepting to lose its specialness.  The awakening happens only when one realizes the degree of starvation for life, to which their mind has been subjected.

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