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Tzipi Livni, exceptional woman and courage.

At a press conference in Tel Aviv, Tzipi Livni, who has been sitting in the Knesset for almost 20 years, announced on Monday that she would leave politics at the end of the current session of the Knesset and withdraw her party Hatnua’s electoral race because of his poor performance in the polls. Behind the face of Tzipi Livni hides a brave Israeli politician. Courage is the recipe of women of influence.
FJN sees in her, this woman of exception whose course is unanimously greeted. In politics, she embodies mutual respect, acceptance of plurality of opinions, respect for human dignity, cultural diversity and the rights of others.
His determination, his power and his worth will be missed at the democratic camp in Israel. The political field remains in Israel a very predominantly male universe.
The representation of women in politics is progressing, but not without pain and slowly.
Moreover, women politicians are often the target of hostility that aims not only their action but also their feminine identity. Many people denounce the gaudoism and even the insults sexists of which they are victims. This observation reinforces the inequalities that persist in the Israeli political world. Women suffer from specific discrimination, which is spared men, and which result in to diminish their political legitimacy and authority and to make the exercise of political action more painful and discouraging for them only for their male colleagues.
Tzipi Livni, FJN hopes that this is only a temporary decision. Israel still needs you.
Otherwise it would be a great loss for Israeli politics and society.

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