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Torah and 10 commandments

Crédit Photo : Guershon Nduwa

The last of the Ten Commandments tells us not to covet the goods of our neighbors.
This command addresses not an action, but a way of thinking. Lust is the mental step which, when taken, can lead to infringing everything else. Lust also results in social injustices, as well as hatred and prejudice. The Jewish people often suffered from their detractors, from lust disguised as contempt on false accusations and plots of all kinds. Being the chosen target of lust, the Israelites are called to not get carried away, but on the contrary combat this self-destructive psychological trap which is jealousy.
The 10 commandments have this peculiarity, that their number of Letters corresponds exactly to the number of the commandments, which were transmitted to us by Moses and the prophets of the Bible.
The 620 Letters of the Decalogue each form the sign of a unique command, be it a
prohibition or positive obligation.
The idea is that all possible human actions are included in these 620 Letters.
These can serve as tools for conscious communication with the One Divine Source, or
committing the prohibition, to cause a disconnection or removal from this Source.
The total sum of these actions committed in life, will compose the spiritual portrait of the person.

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