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This diffuse malaise in front of “Us”.

The news provides us with caricatures that should challenge us because very
representative of frankly disturbing social phenomena. And see how this society plans to end hate in the future. The argument of democracy does not prevent it from also being a worrying “revealer” of extreme excesses. In theory, nothing should justify racism or the feeling of exclusion, whether against people, religions or skin colors. However, the theory takes little or no account of the human factor. We have to admit, at the same time, these two observations: Anti-Semitism and racism are unbearable, by any mind, even poorly gifted like Eric Zemmour, and there is something psychoanalyzable in it, which pushes our co-religionists to support him. It is contradictory, embarrassing and quite terrible. This tireless, indestructible motor is called: “heterophobia or fear of others”. This diffuse malaise in front of others is as difficult to account for as it is for the love of others, with which, fortunately, it coexists. It is such a dense, inequitable fact. They try to explain their desire to exclude by having a different and dangerous stranger in front of them. Yet this force, this inclination to accuse others, to attack them, under various pretexts, we know it well: we have very frequent experience of it, even if its content is confused, more emotional than reasonable. Basically, each time they find themselves in front of a different or unfamiliar individual or group, they feel some discomfort. Our worry can lead us to adopt attitudes of distrust. Which do not exclude, moreover, ambivalent feelings, expectation and hope. The perfect state is far from us.

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