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The reason for Kashrut is animal rights

The Torah law says even a domestic farm animal must not work on Sabbath.
It also says that different species of animals must not be put to work together.
And of course, there are the Kosher laws of which animals are considered pure or impure for human consumption, along with the laws of making their putting down as painless as possible. It also asks us to be considerate of the animal mother’s feelings toward her kid. The education model for this comes from the Temple service. Among mammal species Jews are only allowed to eat those who were offered at the temple. These animals eaten need to be killed in exactly they way they were during the service of the Temple. The Temple represents the social behaviour model. What is offered to God, which must be the best, must become the model for people personal lives. The cleanliness of the Temple space represents the cleanliness of one’s own house, one’s own body, and one’s own mind. Torah forbids to offer a maimed or suffering animal or an animal that has been mistreated, and in the Temple the sacrifices had to be done in the most silent and dignified manner.
This is the root of all Kosher laws.
These laws ask from us to become aware that unfair suffering is a matter of true spiritual concern. The way we treat other life forms, has an influence on the entire society. Humans are not good at figuring out limits if they are not taught.
The indiscriminate industrial slaughter of millions of animals in cruel fashion is not acceptable in Jewish terms.
There is no doubt for Jews that cruel treatment of animals is part of the moral failure of a society, with consequences that affect how humans relate to one another.
Like the Temple did for the Jews, Judaism serves as a model for the world, in reminding the respect we must have for ethical morals, even in matters of feeding ourselves.
The first point Kosher rules make, is that living species were not all created to end in our plates. Some exist along with us and have their own cycles and connexion with the Creator. But undeveloped minds think that out there is an open game for their ownership inflated ego. Swallowing without thinking becomes their life model.
Following that path, some might come to think that everything’s belongs to them, even the Moon.
To undo a sick ego, the first thing to do is eat clean Kosher food. And demand that it be truly and fully compassionate in case of animals, not industrial.
Torah says “ונטמתם בם. ״.(eating these forbidden foods will make you foolish).
The impure food we eat give us impure thoughts, which means cruel thoughts, devoid of compassion. People deserve better.
Laws regarding what we ingest, ask from us to take that question to how we feed our conscience.

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