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If to be the useful idiot of anti-Semitism is to condemn the one who makes the terrorist assassin in Toulouse the equal of his victims,
If being the useful idiot of anti-Semitism is to denounce the one who wants to repeal the Pleben and Gayssot memorial laws… making anti-Semitism and racism an opinion again and no longer a crime by thus offering perfect impunity to Dieudonné, Soral and other anti-Semites and deniers,
If to be the useful idiot of anti-Semitism is to forcefully reject anyone who wants to rehabilitate Pétain and absolve him of his crimes,
If to be the useful idiot of anti-Semitism is to be revolted by the one who accuses the French justice of having carried out a political trial against Maurice Papon who, from 1942 to 1944, as secretary general of the prefecture of the Gironde in charge of “Jewish questions”, supervised the arrest and then the deportation of nearly 1,600 Jews living in the region, most of whom were murdered in Auschwitz,
If being the useful idiot of anti-Semitism is to refuse to reduce to nothing the long fight of Serge Klarsfeld and associations of former deportees by denouncing the historic declaration of Jacques Chirac at the Vel d’Hiv in 1995 which recognized (finally) the responsibility of France in the deportation of the Jews from France,
If to be the useful idiot of anti-Semitism is to be horrified at the thought of his dinner with the daughter of a high-ranking Nazi official, Hitler’s foreign minister,
If being the useful idiot of anti-Semitism is, for once, agreeing with Jean Marie Le Pen, who makes him his spiritual son and his political heir,
So what about Eric Zemmour?
Otherwise, he is not the useful idiot, but the useful Jew and the new leader of revisionism in our country.
Francis Kalifat, President of Crif

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