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The Peace of Solomon.

Two women appeared before King Solomon, each claiming to be the mother of the same child. Seeing that both were claiming full ownership of the same subject at the same time, the king applied Torah law, which states that such a circumstance is resolved by equal sharing. Share the child said the king. One of the two women cried saying no, give the child to the other woman but let it live. The one who just said that the child lives is the real mother, said the king, and he told her to take her child and go. The child the two women are arguing over could be anyone, including land. Anyone who is willing to relinquish full sovereignty as long as the earth survives and  not destroyed, is the true parent of the earth. The Jews have done this for centuries, they can do it again, for parties that are essential for sharing and keeping the peace. For too long, the two women have been arguing for each to be the sole owner of the future. But they are putting that future in jeopardy, establishing a rhetoric based on war. Their dialogue is stuck, it serves neither the present nor the future of the child. Of course, at first glance, neither woman wants to see the child torn in two. But the teaching of history shows that what they do leads to this danger. The return to the reason for this madness is to take care of the present and the future of the child. And it has nothing to do with the struggle for property. Likewise, whoever treats the earth and all of its citizens better is a much stronger indicator of who is on the side of reason. Right now, with the events in Israel and Gaza, we are in the middle of the argument between the two women. King Solomon says he is divided between the two sides, and both are terrified. Who will say: keep the child safe first, so that he can live to see tomorrow ? This voice can come from people inspired by the same wisdom, on both sides.

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