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The cathedral’fire and the use of Canadairs.

Monday night, a fire ravages the cathedral of Notre-Dame de Paris. For several hours, the flames spread in the Parisian monument, without the firefighters fail to control the fire.
On Twitter, Donald Trump suggested fighting the flames by air. “Maybe water jets could be used to extinguish (the fire), we need to act quickly!”, Shared the US president on Monday night. On the social network, other accounts went in the same direction and wondered about an air opportunity to fight against fire.
“Technically unsuitable”
But the operation is not so simple. The Ministry of the Interior completely rejects this hypothesis. Place Beauvau explained that the use of Canadairs would damage the monument and pose a danger to people around the monument. A very different case of fires that can occur in the wilderness, in the forest, where homes are more rare.
The Directorate General of Civil Security goes in the same direction and pointed to the risk of collapse of the building. Indeed, the pressure exerted by the water could contribute to put down a monument weakened by the flames.

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