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The associations “The kibbutz of Paris” and “FJN” : A meeting and projects.

The creation of the State of Israel inaugurated an unprecedented meta-community in the history of the Jewish people. There are all kinds of Jews there as well as non-Jews who live together, somehow, because the microcosm of Israel meets on a cultural and socio-economic level “in concentrated” the difficulties and pitfalls which prevail within the macrocosm of the world. Israel demonstrates an exemplary cultural and socio-economic reworking and cultural inventiveness that enables its collective, across cultures, to live a life worthy of the name or to bring hope where it is sorely needed. A journey to discover Israel will convince the most skeptical. The kibbutz adventure that has been going on for over a hundred years is one of the most representative facets of Israel’s cultural and socio-economic inventiveness. The kibbutz, path of life resulting from the Jewish transmission meeting the anarchist and communist ideas in the nineteenth century, after more than 100 years of existence, reinvents itself more than ever, offering to those who wish a place. Shimon Peres: “The kibbutz is the fairest and most honest way of life in the world. Since the nineteenth century, there has been no more noble, more dedicated and more brilliant attempt to find a model of life that really responds to a person’s desire to be free, honest and helpful. ” In Israel there are kibbutz religious, traditionalist, atheist, highlighting or not an ecological consideration, a possibility of wage labor, a rural life, city (“the urban kibbutz” since 1987), mixed coexistence (Jewish and non Arab Jews), a welcome to non-Jews etc. The kibbutz is a meta-community, within that of Israel, which concretizes in its way the Jewish transmission updated in its essence by the new visibility of the black Jews. Black Jews, in fact, by their recent emergence in the collective consciousness and life, revive the Jewish transmission in its particular dynamic and creative dimension, highlighting a millennial competence to acculturation .
Since the destruction of its two Temples and its entry into semi-nomadism, the Jewish people have continued to integrate fruitfully without ever dissolving into the collectives that he lived for a time. He fed on it, rearranged it and renewed himself as much as it impregnated, contributed. The unique and invigorating fruits of its acculturation are a fact for those who study Jewish thought, the history of the Jewish people and the culture and history of the peoples who have welcomed it, tolerated if not persecuted, then depriving themselves massively of his contributions. This consideration advances the fact that the Jewish people could hold its vitality, its strength and its course, by the very fact of this exceptional competence to acculturation.
Thus, Guershoon Nduwa, President of the International Federation of Black Jews, speaks of black Jewish identity: “We are Africans of Jewish culture and we love the diversity of our religion. We respect all communities that preserve their ancient cultures for the preservation of human dignity. We wish and work for peace and prosperity on the African continent, and in doing so, we feel in the continuity of our noble Hebrew heritage. This phenomenon is the perfect example of the wealth that matters most to Black Jews, which is cultural wealth. ”
He continues on the need for a meta-community in France: “In France, the Jewish community will it finally out of the customary duel” Sephardic = Ashkenazi “and accept another component, that of the Black Jews? History teaches us to open our eyes, to take the measure of this tour de force: to sweep away centuries of received ideas generating exclusion from the other. The minhagim (customs) are a prodigious wealth for the Jewish community but we must learn to exploit the remarkable energies while privileging the common values that make our communities work, otherwise fostering the emergence of new intolerances. When they do not follow the evolutions of the society, the customs become obstacles to the well-being of the individuals who undergo them. How to transcend and transcend these customs to achieve living together? We think paradoxically that we are in a favorable situation where we can rebuild a certain community unity around important axes such as issues related to the Torah, study and living together. To respond to this kind of initiative, it is obviously necessary to have actions and projects that break with the logic that produced these phenomena. ”
Extract from: Guershon Nduwa. “Manifest of Black Jews. ”
This appeal from Ghershon Nduwa to the realization of a meta-Jewish community in France, proactive, respectful of the diversity of cultures that constitute it and carrying projects followed by actions, the association “The Kibbutz of Paris” responds! The Federation of Black Jews also.
The representatives of these two associations met and decided to work towards pooling their activities and actions. “The Kibbutz of Paris” as “The Federation of Black Jews” unfolds the space of a welcoming Jewish Meta-community. If you wish to contribute to its successful development, do not hesitate to contact one of the two associations. You are welcome. Baroukhim habaïm !

Léa Ghidalia-Schwartz
Président de l’association « The kibbutz of Paris »

Guershoon Nduwa
Président of the « Federation of black jews »

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