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Support for religious adolescents with behavioral problems

Any religious Jewish young or adolescent in a situation of behavioral disorder should benefit from a reception in a specialized establishment or a place of life which corresponds to him, there should be different solutions accessible according to the degree of autonomy, the situation, and the family wish. One in five young religious Jews suffers from behavioral problems. Conduct and behavioral disorders have repercussions on all of daily life. It is therefore essential to take into account all its consequences and to implement, if possible, solutions to mitigate the effects. These are specialized structures which must imperatively be approved by the State. Here, the term “Yeshiva” is ambiguous, it is not necessarily the place where only the Torah and the Talmud are studied in Judaism. Although the direction is provided by a rabbi. The decision or the approval of care within the structure is the responsibility of the Ministry of Health. These are identified structures, specialized in the care of these young people. Thus, the intervention of a psychologist or a psychiatrist and a medical specialist to alleviate the moral suffering of the staff.
Unlike the “Yeshivot”, these structures bring together a multidisciplinary team of professionals from the specialized environment who travel to intervene.
Conduct and behavioral disorders have an impact on quality of life, morale, relationships with others, etc. They can lead to suffering that will amplify the dysfunction of the structure. Taking this into account and to seek solutions contributes to the improvement of the inventory.


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