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Shana Tova umetuka.

FJN wishes Shana Tova umetuka to all our dear friends, and dear members who support and follow us throughout the year.
Our Sages say, “Prayer, repentance, and tzedakah dispel the shock of the decree.”
Ktiva Vachatima Tova Shana Tova Mevorechet!
The period from Rosh ha-Shana to Simhat Torah is devoted to personally emptying oneself of the excesses and negative habits of the past, and at the same time filling up with good social and spiritual deeds. This both individually and collectively.
Tefila, Teshuva uTzeddaka maavirin and roa haGuezera. It is possible to understand their thought as a logical continuation. Tefilah and Teshuvah, prayer and repentance, can only be considered true and sincere if they involve Tzeddaka, intervention in the practical realm. Only then can prayer and repentance work in the real world.
Without the transformation of the social space towards more justice and less discrimination and suffering, we cannot see real changes.
The idea conveyed by Judaism, and highlighted by the gatherings of the great festivals in Yamim Noraim, ‘High Days’ is that we are all under the yoke of the same Look of inner examination, when in the state of our lives and our world. We are accountable to our conscience, which knows the reality of suffering and which is empowered to soothe, resolve and heal it. Shana Tova means a year enlightened by the understanding of the Tov that HaShem put into his creation. This Tov can only be found in sharing.

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