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Shana tova 5780

Tonight at sunset, Jewish communities around the world will celebrate Rosh haShana, the Jewish New Year. Families and friends will gather to pray and share a meal together during this moment of joy and reflection. Last year was difficult for many of us. Rosh haShana is an opportunity to reflect on the past year and look to the future with hope. We have witnessed hateful and anti-Semitic acts that have targeted Jews and several synagogues.
Rosh haShana 5780 gives us the opportunity to appreciate the many contributions of Jewish people and to remember that we all have a role to play in making the world a better place.
We must continue to unite against anti-Semitism and the banalization of the Holocaust and all other forms of hatred and discrimination, and reaffirm our commitment to a better world

1 Comment
  1. Thank you so much for Yom Tov good wishes. They are heartily reciprocated and thank you for sharing your words of wisdom.
    Warm regards,
    Nora Tager

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