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Rise of ethnic discourse in France

The associative body everywhere must take into account the psychological weight of this period, doubly difficult on the social level. On the one hand, families are going through a pandemic, and on the other hand, an electoral period polarized around ethnic themes.
The psychological repercussions of this double pressure on the life of families, put the associative world on alert. The digitization of communication and contact methods already exposes the most vulnerable to insensitive digitization, and to risks of invasion of privacy. Politicians are taking over social media. Their debate on ending the pandemic is out of sync with the daily lives of millions of workers and other citizens, waiting to be resumed. Calls for votes and polarization are intensifying with its racist and anti-Semitic foundations. In the midst of all of this arises ethnic discourse. Are we about to number people by race, ethnicity, or religion? Is this numbering essential, to what useful does it lead? Of course this has already been done, proven to be unnecessary and cruel, and condemned. But for the associative world. It’s clear, the pockets are filling up around data business. As of old times people have become one product. Some will say no, it’s their data, their information, it’s different from bodies. But we today we are witnessing an incarnation of data in the movement of bodies, and in the choices taken for heal the bodies. Wisdom will not cease to prove that one does not manage a fluid whole like a rigid object. Human interactions are also to be understood from the perspective of the mathematics of fluids. Human cultures are constantly evolving. The religion of yesterday is not that of today. Science and technology change terms. We don’t talk to 21st century audiences like we do to 19th century audiences. Nowadays, do ethnicism is offensive. It is understood as a psychological attack, equivalent to pushing teenagers committing suicide on the internet because of a physical trait. Having a vision of the fallout is essential in such a period. But short-term brains never get it. They are already mounted on their horses of battle, and have no thought for the victims of their verbal abuse. When on the one hand freedom of movement becomes more and more conditional, and on the other hand there is an openness to the discourse of ethnic antagonism, isn’t it obvious that it is high time to consider and assess the state of consciousness?

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