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Rav Chaim Kaniewsky to Rabbanim and administrators

24 Iyar, day 39 of Omer, 5780
To the Rabbanim and administrators of synagogues wherever they are, may Hashem be with them. Because of our many faults, it has already been several weeks since we were chased from the synagogues and places of study, like a servant pouring a glass of water to his master, who pours it in his face. It seems to be a sign from Heaven that this is the fault of our contempt for the holiness of the synagogue, in that during the prayers, the cellphones are on, we use them, and that represents a great affront to prayer and the holiness of synagogue, something that never came to mind of our ancestors and goes against the halacha in Choulhan Aroukh Ora’h‘Haïm by. 151 as well as the Zohar Vayakhel 205b, which says terrible things about it. This is why it is necessary to enact a very strict regulation prohibiting to enter the synagogue to pray with a telephone.
laptop on. It must remain off during the entire prayer, and those responsible have the obligation to watch over it and put in place custody, no exceptions.
It is also desirable, when we quickly deserve to return to the synagogues, that the Rabbanim awaken attention to this and teach how prohibiting the despise of the holiness of the synagogue and places of study is serious. By the merit of this decision that we will take on us, may Gd quickly bring us back to the synagogues and study places to serve Him publicly, and that He will accept our prayers willingly and lovingly.
Chaim Kaniewsky

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