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Passover or the talking mouth.

The exodus from Egypt is a look at an ancient cultural memory that binds Jews around the world by the fact that they have become a people on the African continent.
This cultural identity root has profound implications for the cultivation of the notions of freedom and cultural independence in the Jewish community.
Like hundreds of African communities on the continent, Israelite communities around the world do not easily abandon their ancestral culture. This is part of the notion of freedom for them, to be free to practice our own traditions, and not to be subjected by force to other beliefs.
Being good citizens of different countries and being a positive force for your country does not contradict the fact of preserving its culture. On the contrary, each culture is a part of the memory of each country and has contributed to the intellectual enrichment of its country. The history of Judaism is part of the history of France since Roman antiquity. The Jewish community of France is one of the oldest communities in France existing centuries before Clovis and the Franks. The Feast of Pesah was celebrated in France before a Christian mass arrived there.
This reality is the same in many countries.
The fact that Pesah has survived to the present day shows that the resistance to oblivion is bearing fruit. And this preservation is a victory for all of society, from an African point of view. Africans don’t just tolerate cultural diversity. They love him. For it is for them part of the radiance of life, and of the infinite Divine abundance.
The Zohar masters tell us that the word Pesah can be cut in half:
Peh, mouth; and Sah, speaking.
The idea is that for generations, from parent to child, mouths have been passed on traditions of how-to.
These talking mouths eager to preserve their ancestral traditions taught us moral principles about freedom and oppression.
These principles often put them in a position of opposition to dictators of all time.
But confident in the triumph of the forces of good and hope they have allowed their message to survive and continue to guide us allowing us to place human dignity above everything.

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