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Panafracanism and separatism

One of the consequences of African countries coming together, and finally uniting around common projects, is having to face the frustration of those who do not see African unity with a good eye. Africa is entering the 21 Century as a challenger and potential winner of emerging world economies. We must confront the reality that there are people who promised themselves they would not tolerate Africa rising like China did. One of their strategies to prevent it from happening, is to actively work against African nations territorial integrity, by agitating for separatism on all sides of the continent, from Ethiopia to Angola Libya Central and West Africa. Behind all these separatist agitations, some of which are violent, there is a deliberate will to fragilize and weaken African unity. Ethiopia, the shining beacon of our unity since the days of Emperor Haile Selassie, has been under separatist attacks ever since the days it stood and won against fascist Italy. The goal for Africans is to eventually remove borders on their continent, not to add new ones. We are the least populated continent on earth. One can fit all of India inside the borders of South Africa alone. To create new borders and further separate Africans is of no use. Separatist movements have only created wars and refugee camps. The first duty of a government is to enforce safety and protect the lives of its citizens. Borders promote violence and hate. We have enough negative examples looking at other continents. Africans cannot understand the absurd conflict in North Ireland between people who for us are exactly the same. We do not see with happiness the fratricide conflicts between European countries, and we wish for unity among European people. The same goes for Asian or Latin countries. We see only advantages to the unity of people who are close culturally. We would never from Africa strategize to participate in separatist pressure campaigns in Europe.Panafricanism desires to see Africans being free to unite, without any limit on their freedom of movement, from the North to the South of our continent. We pray for peace and unity in Ethiopia.


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