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Observation of phenomena during elections

The observation of phenomena, of actors is inherent in any intellectual approach.
It asserts itself as a primary condition for the construction of knowledge in social sciences by bringing them into contact but also by distancing them. It therefore remains a tool and a method for understanding the mechanisms of interaction of Jewish community life in an attempt to account for its complexity. We will use the form of the narrative here to account for our observation within the Jewish community of France started since and which continues year after year. To understand what is happening, we must first take into account that the phenomena community reorganization which occurred, help to clarify the modalities of these drifts. A long time ago, French Judaism exerted a certain influence through
the synagogue institution and enjoyed a privileged status as a recognized cult. The setbacks of history have generated a significant immigration of Jews from the Mediterranean Basin. The French Jewish landscape will radically transform.
French Judaism will then reorganize itself, but with a notorious incapacity
to better manage the profound change caused by this fact.

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