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Israel: Human Rights and Bipolar Politics.

Election requires anticipating all the events that may arise. It involves anticipating as many situations as possible that may arise. You can’t cut a human being between right and left, between man and woman, between white and black or between young and old, even between poor and rich. Each of these categories is part of an indivisible whole. The proof is that this set communicates, and is understood. This is the basis of any vision of Human Rights. There will always be an FJN or other human rights associations somewhere who will be there to say the obvious, even when the Emperor is not wearing any clothes. FJN does not claim that all the questions we ask find their response within a pre-established framework. Political philosophy cannot change this fact, even if it gives importance to the discourse of categories by denying them or by threatening to make them reappear. Human Rights associations can sometimes be wrong and are relieved to see their concerns taken up, analyzed, and proven to be non-malicious. But there is worse than making a mistake, like making a selection human beings on the basis of purely political tendencies. Many associations in the name of human dignity let themselves be carried away in the polarization of the so-called Right or Left parties. With regard to Black Jews, the history of Human Rights shows that we have been attacked and abused by both tendencies equally. This is why we advocate vigilance in terms of Human Rights, especially during an election period. We must attract politicians to us and not the other way around. They are the ones who must commit beyond the electoral promises, and prove themselves fully aware that human rights abuses result of arbitrary categories, between persons entirely equal in rights, according to the fundamental principles of any society claiming to be civilized. Whether it is led by one party or another does not change anything.

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