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Israel and National Union

It is no longer appropriate to be on the right or on the left to imagine that Israel could set out and occupy a political space from which the parties, the skin colors would have disappeared suggesting a new structure. The Ministry of the Interior and that of internal security should play a central role in the organization of this space and maintaining the cohesion of the country’s institutions. They were supposed to guarantee citizens the exercise of rights, duties and freedoms. These ministries also understand the role of maintaining order through the police, including that of internal security.
Guarantor of everything that goes on inside, the Minister of the Interior is central to the organization of our country.
Operation Moses, Operation Solomon, these names resonate with those of a modern day legend, that of the arrival of Ethiopian Jews in Israel.
The Israeli government organized, with massive support from American Jews, an airlift that helped get them there. By play of bad alliance, the black Jew prefers the one who ignored him in the mountains of Gondar.
He moves away from the one who did it and becomes part of the executioners. Alliances (the damned of the Earth, the Third Worlds) and crowds like Gaza disagree with the state.
It should come as no surprise that some people feel lost in the face of such prospects, but that it is the case for the whole, that would be false.
Identified visually, the Black Jew can be stigmatized and killed by bullets (facial offense) without putting forward other considerations.
Embodying the visible stranger, he will also be the designated scapegoat for any xenophobic outbreak. The culprits are still running. Their balance unloads on the black Jews, the pain which they would have felt formerly in Meknes, Sousse and Algiers. This transfer of pain allows them to value themselves at the expense of the Black Jew. Powered by tyrannical morality, the racist system operates in the same way. Caught in the crosshairs. The Black Jew tends to his defending body and to his detriment an ideal mirror in which his executioner can be reflected very positively, by projecting a very negative and mortifying image of the Black Jew.
Never has rejection known a constant renewal of its speech, by the myths which it conveys.
The triumph of exclusion is its appropriation by the victim. The phenomenon of self-loathing inoculated in black by racist ideology and its various vectors ended up taking root in the depths of his soul. Seriously damaging their identity, this phenomenon destroys their capacity for self-attribution of value.
The constant trend is to multiply infinitely the categories of blacks, in order to classify as not being real blacks, all those who present some advantageous appearance. We will thus distinguish the real (pure) blacks, the middle-blacks, the half-blacks etc …
A bit like in Brazil. It would be amusing to classify in the same way the Jews who present features if different by the color of the eyes, and of the hair, the shape of the skull, the stature, the color of the skin. In fact, the authors imbued with racist prejudice rub shoulders with those who have a narrow idea of ​​the evidence necessary to make Judaism. Besides, they are curiously close to some who also wear their shackles.
But also came for short time (Silvan Shalom) a man of dialogue, a democrat, who thought that it is not by demonstrating atrocities that one is a good minister but by the ability to accompany the troops, to lead them as he did in the interior ministry in the past. For the latter, the pitfall of a backward-looking vision of the State of Israel should be foiled in its semantization. It is an intellectual point of view to give him the ability to account for its multiplicity of social situations and to justify the institutional inclusion of the various “alyots”.

(Photos) : 1. Arye Derhy.    2.  Gilad Erdan.   3. Silvan Shalom

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