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IQ tests, Artificial Intelligence, and “Judaism”.

The present popular culture has inherited some pseudo scientific ‘memes’ from the past century, which still survive in the collective consciousness, even though proven false.
Outdated concepts such as racial, ‘inheritable traits of superior intelligence’, and transference of ‘intelligence’ to machines, are still being discussed and debated on public platforms although already seen as irrelevant, by serious thinkers on this topic, sociologists and philosophers alike.
Such language stems originally from the XIXth century, when Queen Victoria, Jules Vernes, Agatha Christie, and Buffalo Bill were the headlines.
IQ testing to determine the superiority or inferiority of ethnic groups is such a retro fad these days. If you didn’t guess it yet, this pseudo scientific retro fad, claims in plain old racist language, that Whites are naturally smarter than Blacks, Europeans smarter than Africans etc …What used to be denounced as fascist propaganda in the times of Mussolini is quietly passed around over the internet as ‘science’.
What if there was an African IQ test?
What if Africans would determine their own IQ criterias, based on African notions of excellence, and put non Africans to the test, just to claim the title to childish need for superiority ?
Is the human body a machine ?
If so, should a same machine of a different color be considered inferior?
The question that matters most in this machine debate: is the machine made to improve human life for every kind of person, indiscriminately ?
Artificial Intelligence technology can be a positive development worth of pursuing.
But be reassured, inner self knowledge and sense of purpose are not programmable. They are the exclusive domain of the human programmer.
In these days of numeric technology it is important to grow away from reductive and confused perspectives coming to us from the past century, like the popular myth of the coming of a time of ‘Singularity’.
Singularity can only be similarity.
Saying that all categories of science can unite into one, is claiming to have established that all categories are known, and that our idea of categorizing was right and final.
Even Aristotle’s idea of categorizing human knowledge into divisions along human senses, was not unique, nor the only way utilised.
Chinese culture explored polarity thinking, with its own definitions of Yin and Yang.
Egypto-Aramaic culture in Africa, had its own multi-verse perspective for defining the dynamics of existence.
Specific symbols do not have to claim to be the only true prism, through which reality can be read.
In the end, they are nothing more than arbitrary human distinctions, among many others.
The main objective is to progress, to add to our knowledge, and convey it in a universal way, providing tools to help human development.
However systematic and extensive Mechanization of life conditions can easily lead to an illusion of control, which in turn can extend to paranoid apocalyptic thinking.
The ancient cultures that taught self reliance in the midst of natural conditions, knew better about the value, the true worth of a single human life experience, in its fullness from birth to maturity.
When we are thinking about progress and science as a way of escaping, instead of improving and celebrating our earthly reality, we are no longer reasoning in terms of wisdom.
Smug smartness and wisdom are different.
The people who came with poisoned salt to infect the indigenous populations were smug and smart, but they were not wise.
Being wise amounts to living a meaningful life.
Artificial intelligence is a tool that can be used in many ways.
It is up to the ones who will use it to determine if they do it for the right or wrong reasons.
Which means that we didn’t move one inch, from the basic same moral questions our forefathers were confronted with, in their time with their own ‘new’ tools.
Wisdom means to understand the recurring messages of life, which remain true regardless of changes.
We pass this wisdom down to the next generation, and they will decide how it applies to using the tools of their own times.
How can we become hostages to tools we have created?
Who is hiding behind his own toy, saying be careful, it thinks for itself, it’s dangerous?
If it is not under human control how is it a machine, how is it artificial?
The semantic confusion shows this debate and it’s definitions to be deliberately misleading, maybe to create sensational claims for consumerist purpose.
Science being used to reinforce dominance claims is nothing new.
One legacy of the First and Second World Wars was to demonstrate how pseudo science propaganda can become official, even state supported. There is, behind these mixed claims of scientific apocalyptic self aggrandizing language, the feeling of gorillas hitting their chests in posture of dominance. Because they are afraid of course. The irreversible reality of Africa rising, is and has always been, the true reason behind the White panic talk. Losing their self proclaimed superiority over everyone else is a nightmare with which they cannot cope psychologically. This nightmare plays in reverse what they did to others.
Other races, coming to invade them from other planets with more advanced technology is a recurring nightmare that they have, just as psychopaths have replays of their victims life haunting them.  Racism makes people dumber.
That’s basic science.

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