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In Judaism, there is neither ethnicity nor race.

In all the debates and the excesses of these debates on the notion of Judaism, the theme 
that is discussed is always that of tolerance. Judaism is not focused on the idea of ​​
establishing a different nation. This conception of Judaism is that seen by 
the anti-Semites with Haman, the wicked character of the Book of Esther, as a model. 
At the time of the Persian domination of Judea, King Ahasuerus had as his advisor a man 
named haman, who hated the Jewish people and had resolved to have all the Jews of Persia 
exterminated. His anger against the Jews stemmed, among other reasons, from the refusal 
of a prominent Jew, Mordecai, to bow down to him in idolatrous fashion. Now a young and 
beautiful wife of Ahasuerus, Esther, was herself a descendant of the Jewish people and 
related to Mordecai, although she was far removed from her origins. Mordecai alerted the 
young woman to the dangers incurred by the Jews, and reminded her that she herself and 
her whole family were concerned by the resolution of the cruel Aman. Esther, terrified, 
revealed to Ahasuerus her membership of the people of Israel and conjured him to have the 
order to massacre the Jews of Persia rescinded. The king granted the Jews the right to 
arm themselves in self-defence, which they did successfully. Since then, the Purim holiday 
celebrates this victory. The Jewish culture sees in the role of the woman, a continuity, 
and thus any child born of a Jewish woman is Jewish. Whether that mother is a Chinese, 
African, or Bolivian woman who has adopted Judaism is irrelevant. His children will read 
the account of the exodus from Egypt like other Jewish children, and are now part of the 
descendants of Abraham, linked to the same promise. Those who do not understand this, do 
not understand Judaism, nor of the descendants of Abraham. The child of the Jewish woman 
does not need to witness dogma to be accepted as a Jew in her society. De facto he is in 
the cultural continuity of his mother. This is encouraged so that consciousness and memory 
are established with respect for woman, who is often the most neglected and brutalized in 
the history of human imperfection.Judaism is a resistance against the forces of mass brutalization. It was born, and developed during
millennia, in the position of recipient of social wounds, cultural cuts, repetitive persecutions, and anti-Semitic obsessions.
This has made humanism the urgent priority of Judaism. A priority that proves to be constantly significant for all human beings,
historically, and ontologically.
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