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Healing America

America’s history appeared late to the eyes of the rest of the world. 

It gave the world the opportunity to watch the display of the the establishment of that modern nation whose impact on history is undeniable. 
It can be said that global culture is heavily influenced by what comes out of America. 
With the tools of mass communication such as internet platforms, where things are communicated in real time, this influence is now felt everywhere. 
This world culture impact is due in great part to the participation of Afro Americans. 
Afro Americans have also contributed to the spread of the renewal of Black awareness in the contemporary context. 
This has had an influence on the African representation of self in many aspects. 
The struggle for Civil Rights in America paralleled the fight for independence from colonial rule in Africa. 
A big part of the history of America is therefore what happened to Africans in that part of the world. 
Africa is not just a geographical territory. It is a community of people linked together by a common memory. 
The trauma that pushes many people to repress that memory, makes them also miss the importance of the link shared with all the participants in the story. 
Without connecting and speaking to one another the African Diaspora and the home base are loosing in the opportunities to bring about a much needed healing. 
It is important to get out of the frame of ‘future’ or ‘past time paradise’ concerning Africa. 
This fantasizing is part of denial.
Wakanda is not Africa, it is an imaginary construct made to keep Africa in an out of reach dreamland. 
The same goes for those who are obsessed with ancient Egypt, which is another European mythological reference to past glory and greatness. 
Black Americans have better than that: they have Africa now, in the present moment. 
By connecting to living African cultures people and contexts, Black people in America will finally wake from the imposed isolated narrative of their story. 
By being as open and engaged in their connection to Africa as Europeans are to contemporary Europe and Asians to contemporary Asia, they will allow for the general healing of their society.
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