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Haïm Korsia or the guardian of Jewish morality

He is the “watcher of memory”. It is the notion of brotherhood explored by Judaism.
For the Jewish tradition, there is a collective responsibility, but the fault of some brings about the misfortune of all. This vision is not contradictory with that of autonomy or individual responsibility. Judaism is not just a faith, a form of worship, a code of observance and a system of moral values. He makes the sum of the experiences of the Jewish people through the ages. He reflects his joys and his anxieties, his struggles and his triumphs, his memories and aspirations, the progression of his moral ideas and his conception of the world. Within Jewish culture, Morality (Moussar) is distinguished by its universality, his references are found at all times, and in all latitudes, in the Eastern world as well as Sephardic and Ashkenazi, while its teachings are of human sensitivity Indeed, the report that costs the most is the report to the other man, to the foreigner, to the widow,to the orphan, as the Bible taught, the Torah, for all of human history, today we
can add: to the homeless, to migrants, to political or economic exiles. Judaism is the set of notions, concepts, comments, interpretations, of the laws that are collected in the Talmud. Anchored in life, Judaism is therefore a way oflive, alone or in community. It is a celebration of dialogue, as evidenced by the Talmud, which is built on communication between two adversaries, two conceptions, two attitudes, where both parties are right, even if they are always the moderates who win. Judaism is indeed fundamentally against fanaticism and extremism. The beauty of the Talmud first is respect for others.

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