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Gershon Nduwa is not a Rabbi

We read here and there the attribute of rabbi assigned to Gershon Nduwa.
The intention of these people, both journalists and others, would be laudable, but the rabbinical function requires complete training. With our friend, Rabbi Serge Etele of Cameroon, African Judaism is well represented. Human nature abhors a vacuum, it is said, and the average man fills the silence in any way possible. Gershon Nduwa intends to become a Rabbi and pleases D. that one day he will. The Jewish reality, an inexhaustible source of enchantment for our People, loses its magic when it demonstrates the glaring paradoxes that strike African Jews so hard and unjustly. Far from the sterile controversies that can border on defamation and slander, Guershon Nduwa is an active member of the Jewish community in France. The lack of an identifying figure of African Judaism in the Jewish community of France pushes some to want to fill this deficit by a functional rabbinical assignment. Let them be reassured. The day when Gershon will be Rabbi, it will be known.



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