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FJN would like to remind and clarify

The FJN would like to remind and clarify that our association does not have any activity having to do with a process of conversion to Judaism.
The FJN does not claim to have any competence in this area, and is not qualified to make
decisions or judgment in this highly technical and specialized context. We encourage those who have adopted the choice of “Guiyour” to complete their qualifications according to established criteria.
To be able to call oneself a doctor, one must be accepted by the medical profession according to criteria of precise qualifications.
These qualifications must not include discriminatory aspects.
Religion shouldn’t be taken any less seriously than this. Because it is a commitment to be an active and positive participant in a living community in perpetuation of its culture.
The drifts caused by the lack of reflection on this subject mean that everyone risks taking themselves for an authority and entering into unnecessary conflict with shared reality.
That’s why Pirkey Avot tells us : אל תפרוש מן הציבור
“Do not separate yourself from the social!”.
There are many branches in the tree of the Jewish community and the FJN is not there to favor one at the expense of the others.
Many of our members belong to different denominations. Their common point is in the search for social balance in terms of Human Rights, and the cure of the evils caused by discrimination.
The conversion process is a choice that must be taken seriously, for there is no such thing as proselytizing in Judaism.
To bear a name is to decide to be called by that name. Called by who?
By ourselves, or by others?
To deny the value of the other is a failure.
Entering one imaginary or the other does not count, it is to condemn oneself, and to condemn one’s own to loneliness.
Solidarity is not competition.

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