As the only and credible Jewish human rights association.
The FJN supports this law as a whole, which guarantees democracy. Fighting the spread of hate speech on the internet, no one can challenge an exacerbation of hate speech in our society. A new wave of phenomena which threatens to defeat European democracy. The direct and indirect consequences of hatred on social networks are enormous
and very devastating. After more than a year of parliamentary shuttle, the Palais-Bourbon adopted in final reading of the text by the LREM MP obliging the platforms to remove them within 24 hours hateful content. Concretely, the text criminalizes all publications relating to press crimes, namely those discriminating / inciting hatred / calling for violence against a person because of their origin, ethnicity, nationality, religion, gender, sexual orientation,
his gender identity, or his handicap. But also messages promoting (or denying)
war crimes, crimes against humanity, or genocide. The offense finally includes the
child pornography, and terrorism. The Avia law highlights, in its preamble, the fact that the anonymity permitted by social networks promotes the multiplication in all directions of malicious actions: messages of hate or derision, threats, defamation campaigns, dissemination of photos or intimate videos. But, in fact, the law relates exclusively to the fight against content “containing an incitement to hatred or a insult on the grounds of race, religion, ethnicity, sex, sexual orientation or handicap ”. And, in its practical scope, its object seems even more limited.
The FJN will acquire the means to strengthen French institutional organizations in
terms of expertise in order to promote living together. The media also have a role
important to play in the awareness of the populations regarding the change of
mentality on this issue.
I am not familiar with the Aviva Law. Has it been controversial, specifically in terms of those defending free speech at all costs? Has France adopted the IHRA and put an action plan in place?