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FJN press release

We are surprised to hear about the arrest of Israelis visiting Nigeria with LIZ BEN, our coordinator in Ogidi in Nigeria. The FJN is a pan-African Jewish association that does not engage in politics. And FJN has no connection with any separatist movement in Nigeria. We ask the authorities Nigerians to immediately release our hosts. Do not confuse FJN members with Africans with a complex. Only Africans with a complex see the multiple cultural identities of Africa as a threat. FJN always advocates for unity and harmony between the different layers of our continental community. Christians, Moslems, Jews and Traditionalists can and must live harmoniously together in any African country. Igbo and Fulani, Yoruba and Hausa are brothers, just as Nilotic or Bantu are. There are all kinds of denominations among each of them. Living in harmony with everyone is a prerequisite for any African society. This is why we refuse to associate with people who trash Africa, and who use hate language in their description of any ethnicity or culture of our continent. FJN also recommends accompanying the youth to help them make the transition to a continental mindset, in order to repeal the threat of fragmentation along identity lines. Tomorrow’s Africa needs to be counting on minds unrestricted by ethnic or cultural differences.

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