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FJN antenna in Israel

In order to be able to officially consider the FJN as having a FJN antenna in Israel, it was necessary to publish the statutes of the association to the Ministry of Justice. It is now done since May 24, 2018 under the number 580662427.
The FJN has led this visibility fight, which has been a crusade for 17 years. Today, the FJN
has a dozen offices around the world. We work with volunteers in France and Israel, those who havechose to join forces like Daniel Limor, Abraham Lincoln, Abbaba Atsilewu, Ariel Limanya, Brigitte Limor, Shmulik, Liora, Yves Haggiag, and the support of CRIF, Times of Israel, Radio J …With our team, we bring together Black Jews so that the only face
that they see not that of indifference, so that what accompanies childhood is not only suffering and distress.
As Dr. Boris Cyrulnik says:
If, beyond situations, we see human beings, if beyond the skin color, we see the potentialities, then we are on the path of resilience. The FJN is not a charity, it is not charity to replace discrimination, prejudices, injustices by their opposites, it is to believe in life, it is to invest in the future, it is to nourish the potentials in each being.

  1. Praise be the most high. I am happy to see the progress. Continue the great work. My God continue to bless the works of your hands to develope

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