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Every single day from Mount Sinai

The Jewish sages declare unequivocally “Every single day, a Voice calls out from Mount Sinai and says: ‘Repent, Sons of Adam!’..”
The sages statement gives a precise geographical location a spiritual importance, as a permanent meeting space with the divine on this earth.
The voice of G-d calling out to humanity from Mount Sinai is a reminder of what ancient Biblical culture saw as its natural environment. The voice of G-d calling out to humanity from Mount Sinai is a reminder of what ancient Biblical culture saw as its natural environment. Mount Sinai is in Africa. 
The Midrash adds a dimension to that fact when it gives an unusual explanation for one of the meanings of the name “Sinai”.
It says that as a word Sinai is related to Sin’a hatred, “to say it is from there that hate descended upon the world…”.
Why hate? Because of the jealousy that will come out to the nations from knowing that Torah was received at Mount Sinai.
Knowing that Torah comes from Mount Sinai will cause hate to the world, means there is something specific about wisdom coming from that part of the world which
causes irritation and hate, therefore violence.
In other words there will be resistance to the fact that Torah was given there, and other centers of influence will feel threatened by the one Sinai represents.
There is no doubt that this became a fact.
Any shade of blackness was to be obliterated from memory.
That is a true history of hate, as the Jewish sages rightly saw.
Sinai is in a desert, but the haters fertile land turns out to be a real desert of Love.
Jews would never be fully accepted in white milieu, and felt the weight of the anti Sinai hatred predicted by the ancients.
When the everyday voice calls out to humanity and enjoins it to repent, it is from this hate called racism.
This is why the Voice calls out to all the children of Adam, regardless of race.
And the reason this call to everyone resonates, is because it comes from the very womb where Adam was conceived.


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