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Ethiopia must place Africa above ethnicity

Ethiopians must be urgently be helped by their African brothers, to understand that there are symbols  greater than narrow colonial and post colonial definitions.
Like the pyramids of Egypt are a greater symbol than than the different dynasties that built them, both Amharic and Oromo peoples have greatly contributed to the glorious history of Ethiopia, and contributed to its triumphs alongside with the other ethnic and cultural groups of this giant of Africa.
Seeing the sad pictures of ethnic tensions in Ethiopia hurts the feelings of all Africans everywhere, because the African Union has its seat in Addis Abeba.
Africans expect the place chosen to be the center of the AU to set an examplary standard of unity and African solidarity.
This African solidarity first means that Ethiopians must accept that there are symbols of African unity, that go beyond their national borders.
Like the pyramids of Egypt, and like the churches of Axum, the Panafrican figure of Emperor Haile Selassie has become not only part of the national construct of Ethiopia, but belongs to the whole African continent, and also to the whole world.
Since Emperor Haile Selassie made his address to the League Of Nations in 1935, the destinies of millions of humans changed universally.
Ethiopia’s victory over fascist Italy was the spark that turned into the fire of African independence from colonial rule.
The OUA which was the foundation of the AU, was launched and inaugurated by Emperor Haile Selassie.
This is what Africans will continue to teach their children down the generations, that if it had not been for the courage of Emperor Haile Selassie and other like-minded African leaders of his generation, we would still all be colonized.
Today many Africans are raising their heads and are free because of their elders efforts. And they want and need to see Ethiopia united.
Only when the people of Ethiopia will understand the importance and the meaning of the symbols of African Unity, can they deserve to host the seat of the African Union, and only then can they heal from outdated divisiveness.


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