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Do not put the African Jewish community in the controversy.

We are a generation of general awareness and communication.
Controversy is something that breaks rocks and crumbles mountains,
To God displease. And the Torah has taught us to stay as far away from the heat of
controversy as possible. As we saw in the ice of his committee,
Datan and Aviram, and a priest completed several, reminding and warning not to fall into the embarrassment of controversy, but to always keep the peace.
The origins of African Jewry are a delicate matter, which must be kept free from any danger of merchant controversy. When we talk about the culture of African Jews, for example to say from the Ethiopian Jewish tradition that they were members of the tribe of Levi, who came to the land of Habash in the time of King Solomon, – and to the knowledge of others after the destruction of the First Temple – do not mix these views with legal or halachic approval. Rather, just bring it into awareness, stimulate conversation and ask what to learn from it, and how different traditions help to live together. It is impossible in this situation to evade the fact that there are indeed different histories, different angles and different points of view on the Jewish tradition. These questions can recur, and again raise the fundamental questions, around the definition of cultural identity. Samaritan Jews and the Karaite community are also included in this view. All of this raises questions of appropriate approach. What about the tradition of memory? Delete and move on? It doesn’t seem possible. Or perhaps it is also possible to hear without discussing, without immediately launching into a negative conversation, on the basis of the kosher and invalid prohibition and the impure and pure license which are the domain of controversy.
African Judaism brings something that does not belong to the dissemination of opinions, so it is not an issue that is located in the space of known polemics. It can only be approached with the most sensitive delicacy, and not with the victories of children, knowing who is the least and who is the most important. The man will see the poor and the name will see the heart. Why would the Jews of Morocco say that in their time the “kingdom of the sons of Moses” was in Habash? Because it was simply reality! And such a reality is indisputable. Only in respect of memory.

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