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Divine will and humility

Economic and social reversals can occur and suddenly alter the course of human relationships. It seems that the Divine Will wants the human to learn from his mistakes and that humility is part of his destiny and of his liberation.
FJN is an association that brings together communities that identify with their ancestral and cultural ties to African Judaism. Such links with other trans national cultures exist for many African communities.
The pan-African vision absorbed all these different perspectives allowing to articulate a language naturally understood by Africans who are used to living in this rich diversity.
From the window of Pan-Africanism a very broad horizon opens to our gaze, offering us a view of global geopolitics, the place of cultures in the issues inherited from discriminating attitudes and rejection, and the observation of their consequences in the social, psychological and spiritual life of individuals and communities.
The fight against racism is a focal point of the efforts of those who have seen the horizon and have seen things coming from afar.
What was predicted to the world by the fathers of Judaism materializes before our eyes.
This means that everyone must take advantage of the advances in science, if we do not want to perpetuate the unnecessary confrontation between humans,
social classes and individuals.

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