Believers of the Jewish faith will enter an intense period of the TISHRI (Jewish New Year) holidays. The extent of the trauma caused during the first wave of covid 19 will weigh heavily on the French social fabric. This Jewish holiday season is always very intense with the Jewish New Year entering. For this Jewish New Year, community leaders must absolutely create new means of fighting against new contaminations, and against the tragedy experienced during the first confinement. A series of precautionary measures
must be spontaneously implemented, at the initiative of national and local religious leaders. This time, everyone will have to take the appropriate measures to avoid contamination. As a reminder, in the months of the first wave of Covid-19, there were 1,300 deaths in the French Jewish community. Rigorous application of the measures imposed by the health emergency, in particular the Health Pass, must be rigorous.
At the start of the pandemic last year, the holidays were the catalyst for many infections, after precautionary measures were largely ignored.