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Conspiracy and intellectual misery.

Who is the scary ghost ? Bill Gates, Elon Musk, President Xi, Donald Trump, Putin, the World Health Organization … who is responsible, hiding behind the curtains, secretly pulling the strings of the world scene ?
Conspiracy theories and their reverse but similar counterattacks, are the fruit of the blind pursuit of meaning, in the thick fog of propaganda wars, often waged between countries in conflict, economic or military.
Demonization in these wars of words can become extreme, and lead to the propagation, not only of gross misconceptions, but also to the spreading of dangerous hate speech.
The fire of such information violence seeks to be nurtured and maintained, by the constant recruitment of new audiences, and the seeking of new territories to conquer.
For Africans, being in the crossfire of this permanent barrage of weaponized information tools, constitutes both an invasion, and a distraction from the realities experienced daily by the populations of our countries.
At the end we get no benefit from unending exposure to such overt and intentional mind pollution.
People will always come out empty handed from such pursuits, because the intention behind these propositions is precisely to distract and confuse.
We do not seek nor need to enter into wars of vilification, and of caricatural descriptions transforming mortals into superhuman monsters, to frighten the imaginations.
Particularly if these supposedly invincible monsters, these stars of mass “alternative” media horror films and apocalyptic science fiction, are all typically white.
This is only a perpetuation of the myth that Africans must be harnessed to external forces, which dominate them either by economy or by their impressions of power over their destiny.
We are not interested in such power debates happening on other continents.
We simply want our own African Bill Gates, our African Google, our African Facebook, our African Hollywood, and of course our own vaccination programs, specifically tailored to the needs of Africans. For this we need purely African pharmaceutical companies, making all the profits to benefit the development of our own countries. If we can prosper by this method too, so much the better.
Without having to demonize them and turn them into reptilian vampires, why should we passively accept that non-African billionaires, such as Mr Bill Gates, make non-African companies and NGOs thrive on the backs of African populations?
Before we talk about conspiracies, let’s talk about fairness and equality in the proportional rules of the game. The domination of African markets – even in medical and health domains – by western and Chinese multinationals seen as normal, is an aberration. The fantasy of the dependence of an entire continent on the moods or the ‘solutions’ of its ex-colonizers, calls for questioning, and its problematic must be overturned and resolved. This must be done in a spirit of true humanism, not through mischief, and not by scrambling of tracks through theories of conspiratorial ping pong between interests foreign to Africa.
Our material and intellectual resources, must first be put to the contribution of the development of individuals, families, communities and countries of our continent, through African unity.
Our viruses are much more powerful than those that make the rest of the world shudder. We must stop malaria, dengue fever, eradicate Ebola, we have no time to lose in the labyrinths of mass mythomania.
And above all, we have no moral lesson to learn from people who explore all the theoretical speculations, from extraterrestrial to magical and fake science, except talking about the guilt of systemic racism by their own societies towards Africans.
Because for us there is no doubt, that it is racism and no other cause that is true Satanism, racism is the poison that leads to war and social tragedies, and to the eventual erosion of all constructive human relationships.
And it is the same reason for which we are in confinement, because it is racism which allows Chinese or Indians to work in poverty for the luxuries of the rest of the world, and in such a context, viral epidemics, far from being invisible forces, are one of the salient signs which show to our very eyes the reality of the injustices justified by racism.
When the citizens of the world’s countries shall demand from their leaders that racism be eradicated, abandoned and discredited, they will understand that the core belief of pirates, “the misfortune of some making the happiness of others”, is not only unjust but also an idiocy, which is proven to be false quickly, to the shock and to the detriment of those who were stupid enough to believe it.

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