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Benjamin Netanyahu, target of “fake news” about Blacks.

The Association of Black Jews is alerted to rumors circulating against the Israeli prime minister. A rumor circulates these days relayed by anti-Semitic websites, accusing Benjamin Netanyahu of having declared “that all Blacks of Israel must be exterminated” This fake targeted by an unfounded rumor on Facebook date since more than a year. It has spread like wildfire on watsup. How are fabricated and propagated false information on the Net, these “fake news” that attacksNetanyahu ?
The technic is well known: coordinated attacks launched on some anti-Semitic forums now known, then relayed by these latter numerous enough to reach a good part of the Net surfers. These rumors often come from sites close to Soral, Dieudonné … and the themes revolve around Jewish and Israeli personalities.
The FJN denounces this method and asks the public not to trust false rumors, photos or fake videos that flood the net.
Israel is a State governed by the rule of law (the only one in the region) whose public authorities exercise their functions according to the guidelines defined by a
set of legal norms, summarized in the formula: “No one is above the law”.

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