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After Covid-19 and its illusions

-History and memory
The pandemic (Covid-19) has shown us how fragile and susceptible our humanity is still
to all kinds of threats that can arise at any time. The shakes that we face shows us how often we have never been able to accommodate ourselves
to the will of Nature. This inadequacy finds its roots in the gaze of the man who is always carried on itself and it is the very reason of all the evils which destabilize humanity today whole. It is a question of how the different socio-political actors over time ensure memory and identity management in relation to the countries
who must rethink as an entity, as an identity and as a nation.
The idea was then to break with programs based on those of the old world which do not
did not correspond to the requirement to unearth an identity obscured by several centuries. Without social upheavals should automatically habits in the post-Covid.
History The question that arises therefore is how to popularize a story
undermined and being returned. How to find him an intelligible social echo,
that is to say, not prescriptive but charged with a critical sense that allows you to take a look on the world loaded with specific questions and forging a critical sense.
Racism is still so prevalent in Europe. It is at this stage that the didactics of history could move us forward. Since these are identity-bearing subjects, the question of stereotypes can first be examined. It must be done “against prejudice and subpoena, but also against
counter-discourses which are sometimes no less prescriptive.
Deconstructing stereotypes should not lead to build other prejudices. It consists in examining transmission, school or non-school, historian knowledge.
It is necessary to analyze by discussion the directions of inclusion or exclusion, national or collective, of subalternity or of equality that characterize the discourses and narratives on these themes of history: Colbert, Churchill, Jeanne d’ Arc, Henri IV, Louis XIV, Voltaire, Montesquieu, Bonaparte, Victor Hugo, Jaurès, Pasteur, Clemenceau and de Gaulle.
Beyond these positions, it is a question of examining the dynamism of historiography to further emphasize the futility of the status quo through paternalism of another age and simplistic views that continue to have an impact on public opinion.
Slave trade is one of the most historic moments evoked in the constructions of collective identities. The transmission of history to the younger generations takes place through school. This interest in the national social dimension stems from the fact that while the writing of the history of country has been developing ever since, it appears with regret that it still struggles to find an intelligible social use. European historians know all too well who and what is the purpose of building a new European mentality whether pigmentary, static, mystical, religious, sensitive .It was enough to see the outcry against Christophe Castaner accused of not liking the police by the simple fact to want to improve the ethics of the police.


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