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Africa honors the memory of Georges Ohsawa

Georges OHSAWA a great Asian thinker, and a positive inspiration for Africa
Georges Ohsawa was a 20th century humanist philosopher and a great friend of Africans and their cultures.
He drew his scientific inspiration from ancient Daoism to reveal what he named Macrobiotics to the larger world.
Why is he so important in our eyes today?
Because he accurately predicted since the 1930’s that access to healthy food was going to become a major and central issue in the future.
He predicted the onslaught of preventable diseases that were mainly diet and lifestyle related, caused by the growing excessive consumption of sugar sweeteners meat and processed food.
He also showed how the return to a healthier balanced diet could prevent and treat many of these ailments.
Mr Ohsawa wrote a book about his passage in Africa, during the times of the famous Dr Albert Schweitzer.
In this book Mr Ohsawa shows the colonial disdain that Dr Schweitzer team displayed toward the local Africans, practicing amputations on them which in many cases was unnecessary while Oshawa was recommending to stop consuming western food and returning to a healthier diet and thereby curing many people and saving them from amputations.
Since the 1930’s this great humanist warned the world about the abuses some big pharma was committing in Africa and elsewhere, in the some name of profit.
Mr Oshawa’s influence was enormous.
He was the one who introduced to the west acupuncture, martial arts, and helped in the translation of oriental spiritual classics.
He spent World War Two in jail because he was a pacifist who opposed war and fascism.
He spent a lifetime promoting health and respect for the wisdom of ancient cultures.

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