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Happy new Year Africa! Shana Tovah 5779

Shana Tova to all our Jewish brothers and sisters on the African continent, and all those who are dispersed all over the Diaspora, may this new year bring the fulfillment of all your wishes, physically and spiritually, Amen !!!
As Africans, the Almighty has already shown us His Grace and Favor by making us be born on the beloved African continent, or children of families from African descent.
We are not only African but also PANAFRICAN which means that we feel intimately connected to all African communities, and share a common bond of destiny with Africans everywhere. A new year in Hebrew terms means an opportunity to renew ourselves and change ( the word shana in Hebrew means change) what we need to, within ourselves in order to improve and reach even higher levels and be closer to our personal and societal goals.
-FJN is committed to help in the endeavor of Jewish education for our communities, and be a platform of expression for their needs. African Jews are an example that we hope will inspire other communities to put forward their excellence in cultural development, so Africa remains the beautiful cultural mosaic that it truly represents, for the global benefit of mankind.
-FJN will be present to enhance inter-faith and inter-community dialogue, on top of focusing on inner cultural development to enrich our youth in traditional and academic knowledge. We are blessed to be in the process of completing the building of several Talmud Torah, and have already inaugurated batey knesset, houses of prayers, in a few countries.
Thank you dear brothers and sisters for your perseverence, your commitment, and for the beautiful image of pride in your culture that you are showing, thus providing inspiration and hope to many people accross the world.
FJN is your family, and we are including you in all the New Year prayers and Mitsvot, and we are confident that your prayers are accompanying us as well. May you and your loved ones be inscribed before Hashem in the Book of Life, the Book of the Righteous, for longevity, prosperity, happiness and Peace.
From the members of FJN international, with love : Gmar Chatima Tova !!!

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